
2019 SELECT USA Canada Conference
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The U.S. Consulate in Montreal invites you to the 2019 SelectUSA Canada Conference, organized in partnership with AmCham Quebec. Join us for a full-day program that will include panel discussions, one-on-one meetings, and networking opportunities with U.S. federal and state-level government officials, service providers, experts in business expansion, and Canadian companies that have successfully established operations in the United States. If your business seeks to grow a presence in the United States, this event will unlock new partnerships and opportunities! more Networking

The State of America
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The annual AmCham 'State of America' breakfast forum debate: Where America is today as a society and the implications for Canada and the world.

AmCham Quebec's US CEO series - Gagan Ahluwalia, CEO of GlobalStep
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2018 State of America Expert Breakfast Debate
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A 'bear-pit' discussion among four of Montreal and Canada's leading expert commentators on American affairs - John Parisella, Tom Velk, Elisabeth Vallet and Adam Daifallah. The sixth edition of this annual debate on the economic and political condition of America in the world. during the night.

RV avec Phil Scott, gouverneur du Vermont
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AMCHAM QUÉBEC est fier d'être partenaire et de collaborer avec la FCCQ à l'organisation du prochain RV Internationaux. Ces rendez-vous offrent en exclusivité aux membres de notre communauté d’affaires le privilège de rencontrer des leaders du monde politique et économique.

RV ALENA avec Raymond Bachand, Raymond Chrétien et Aaron Goertzen
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Breakfast with US Consul General with AMCHAM Quebec
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Welcoming new Principal Commercial Officer Cathy Feig.

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Reception at US CG Robby W Thomas welcoming AmCham Québec members and friends

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4- 5 May 2018

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Une soixantaine de personnes, dont une trentaine d’entreprises de la MRC de Joliette, intéressées par les opportunités d’affaires aux États-Unis, ont répondu à l’invitation de la CDEJ pour une rencontre-réseautage au Musée d’art de Joliette avec des représentants de la Chambre de commerce américaine au Canada AMCHAM-Chapitre Québec, le 26 avril dernier.

RV ALENA with the Lieutenant-governor Jenean Hampton
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AMCHAM QUEBEC was proud to be a partner and collaborate with FCCQ to the organization of RV ALENA with the Lieutenant-governor Jenean Hampton
Rendez-Vous ALENA - 23 JANVIER 2018
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Le 23 janvier dernier, AmCham Quebec & la FCCQ recevaient la ministre des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie et ministre responsable des Laurentides, Christine St-Pierre et Raymond Bachand, négociateur en chef du Québec dans le cadre de la renégociation de l’ALENA et conseiller stratégique chez Norton Rose Fulbright, lors de notre RV ALENA.
State of America Expert Breakfast Debate
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An expert panel discusses the state of American society today with implications for Canadian business, trade and competitiveness.
A 'bear-pit' discussion among four of Montreal and Canada's leading expert commentators on American affairs - John Parisella, Tom Velk, Donald Cuccioletta and Adam Daifallah. The fifth edition of this annual debate on the economic and political condition of America in the world.
NAFTA 2.0 Panel Series ● Session 3 Breakfast
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AMCHAM Quebec is presenting NAFTA 2.0 Panel Series / Session 3, part of a series of conferences throughout 2017 on the NAFTA treaty and cross-border trade. This panel includes Dany St-Pierre, Denis Lebel and Elliot Lifson.
NAFTA 2.0 Panel Series ● Session 3 Breakfast
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AMCHAM Quebec is presenting NAFTA 2.0 Panel Series / Session 3, part of a series of conferences throughout 2017 on the NAFTA treaty and cross-border trade. This panel includes Dany St-Pierre, Denis Lebel and Elliot Lifson.

NAFTA 2.0 Panel Series ● Session 2 Breakfast
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AMCHAM Quebec is presenting NAFTA 2.0 Panel Series / Session 2, part of a series of conferences throughout 2017 on the NAFTA treaty and cross-border trade. This panel includes Bruce Heyman, Raymond Bachand and John Parisella our moderator.
A New Administration, Cross Border Trade, NAFTA – What Lies Ahead
Le Westin Montreal
SelectUSA Canada Conference
Centre Mont Royal
State of America Bear Pit Session - 2016 Election
McGill University
Setting Up Shop in the US Breakfast Seminar
South Carolina Economic Development Reception
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